Transaction details

General Information #

type here…

Retrieve details for a specific transaction. The transaction identifier is passed as a path parameter and is obtained from the list of transactions for a given account.

End-point URL #


Method: GET

Headers #

X-Request-ID: [request-id] – Required: A unique request ID (GUID).
Consent-ID: [consent-id] – Required: The ID of the consent.
Content-Type: application/json – Required: Specifies the request format.
PSU-ID: [user-id] – Optional: User identifier obtained upon login.

Response #

	"transactionId": "231DCCD181590001",
	"mandateId": null,
	"bookingDate": "08-10-2020",
	"creditorName": "Gergana Petrova",
	"creditorAccount": "BG222222",
	"debtorName": "Petar Petrov",
	"debtorAccount": "BG58SOMB91301000000637",
	"transactionAmount": {
		"currency": "BGN",
		"content": 100

Remarks #

The response includes details such as transaction ID, booking date, creditor and debtor names, and the transaction amount.

Snippet #

API Properties
Header parameters
Result of the call

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