Payment Status Inquiry

Retrieve the current status of a specific payment identified by [payment-id].

End-point URL #


Method: GET

  • X-Request-ID: [request-id] – Required: Unique request ID (GUID).
  • Content-Type: application/json – Required: Specifies the request format.
  • Consent-ID: [consent-id] – Required: ID of the consent associated with the payment.
  • PSU-ID: [user-id] – Optional for future use.

	"transactionStatus": "RCVD"

Remarks #

Retrieves the current status of the payment identified by [payment-id].
The transactionStatus field indicates the current state of the payment request.
This endpoint is useful for checking the progress or outcome of a initiated payment transaction.

Snippet #

API Properties
Header parameters
Result of the call


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